PATH.OS is an immersive installation performance evening and party that took place at NavusHouse on Pittsburgh's North Side in October 2019. PATH.OS is inspired by the continual concepts surrounding humans enmeshment with technology and its impact on social interaction. PATH.OS performances are designed to be ‘physical installations’, responding to the architectural design of the home, which was specifically designed by the homeowner to facilitate human connection. This layer of architectural concepts is in response to our interest in spatial theory and its relation to the overarching concepts throughout our work. With PATH.OS we are particularly drawn to the aspects of spatial theory that examine connection to place, body, social institutions and imaginary landscapes, and how this affects the human condition and relation.
PATH.OS featured performances/installations by:
Ondo / Gusto
Shantelle Courvoisier Jackson and Anthony Jackson
Aliffer Sabek
Anna Wotring
This project was made possible by the Heinz Endowments Small Arts Initiative and NavusHouse.