runtime: durational installation performance
performers: 2-5 dancers
​Created in collaboration with creative technologist, Anna Henson, this work continues our research inquiry into embodied interaction, co-presence, and the shifting boundaries between physical and digital in virtual and mixed reality experiences.
wake is a Guided Mixed Reality Experience for one participant in-headset, one dancer, and one facilitator. The experience is built in Unity 3D for the HTC Vive, Vive trackers, and an Intel RealSense Depth Camera placed at the position of the participant’s eyes in the headset. The project uses a custom algorithm to stream and render in real-time a high resolution video (synced depth + RGB feeds) of a physically and virtually co-present dancer.
more info on wake and Trailer below.
Past Performances:
Carnegie Museum of Art - 2019
​likelike - 2019